This page contains information related to Fate/stay night [Realta Nua] Ultimate Edition Vita Port.

If you have any issues, please make a post on the following forum thread for the fastest response times:

This port supports Japanese and English.

If you get redirected to this page when running the Vita version, you have made an incorrect installation. In that case, please read the installation steps below (especially step 4).


Port screenshot


  1. Prepare the install on a PC using the installer from the first page, or a pre-patched version.
  2. Replace the .xp3 files with the ones in this link inside the “Patches” folder.
  3. Ensure the game works on PC by running “Fate.exe”. If that doesn’t work, it won’t work on Vita either.
  4. Create the folder “ux0:/fsnrnue/” if it does not already exist, then copy the game files using the “USB” mode of VitaShell so it looks like the following directory tree (do not add any additional files):
    └── fsnrnue
      ├── bgimage.xp3
      ├── bgm.xp3
      ├── data.xp3
      ├── etc.xp3
      ├── fgimage.xp3
      ├── image.xp3
      ├── patch.xp3
      ├── patch_h.xp3
      ├── patch_lang_english.xp3
      ├── patch_op.xp3
      ├── patch_vita_ost.xp3
      ├── rule.xp3
      ├── sound.xp3
      ├── video.xp3
      └── voice.xp3
  5. Download the PlayStation Vita port of this project (which has the filename “fsnrnue.vpk”), then transfer and install the .vpk file using VitaShell.
  6. On the LiveArea menu, click the installed bubble then click on the blue “Click here to run” text

Usage tips

How to save

To save, you can go into the menu by pressing the Circle then pressing “Save”.

How to transfer save from PC

Set Quality to “Low” and aspect ratio to 4:3.
Transfer the folder “faterealtanua_savedata” to the “fsnrnue” folder using the “USB” mode of VitaShell so it looks like this:

└── fsnrnue
  └── faterealtanua_savedata

Known Issues


The following binaries are available here:



